Winter Tropical

Winter weather this year has been weird.  One day it’s icy cold, the next it’s warm and humid.  We get a little snow shower, and then a few days later an enormous rainstorm washes it all away and it looks like we’re back in November.  With such fussy weather, it’s hard to really transition into the full vintage winter glam look, complete with furs and hats and really large princess coats.

Instead, I’ve ended up dressing mostly in separates or this grey wool dress.  It’s the sort of clothing that makes no sense if it’s warmer or if it’s colder… why would a person want to wear a sleeveless wool dress?  But for in-between weather when layering is a necessity, it strikes the perfect balance.  Of course, after several years of good service, when I went to hang the dress back up in the evening the zipper slide came right off in my hand!  So now one of my favorite dresses is in the time-out pile waiting for a new zipper… le sigh.

I felt like wearing the extremely silly sailfish brooch that Doug got for me as a present, so I went with some summery accessories for my winter outfit, since the weather really hasn’t been ready to commit to this cold and snow thing.


Red hibiscus hair flowers:  Made by me
Red sailfish plastic brooch: Gift from Doug
Red prystal bakelite bangle: Savers
Red belt: Savers
Grey wool dress: Goodwill
Black jacket with sparkle trim: Wilson’s Leather Outlet
Pinecone brooch on jacket: Gift from Hannah
Enormous black bag: Savers
Red pumps: Goodwill

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